June Challenge - Action

June 30, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

June's formidable challenge is now behind us, and the 'winning' entries are below. Motion is another 'take for granted' part of our busy, motion-filled lives. God made us to enjoy a life packed with activity, although it's more on the observation side when you get older. Cameras put us all on an equal level when it comes to expressing the world around us, and we don't have to be the active participant to capture the sense of movement.

Don's first entry required some planning, a backdrop, and tripod - plus the added ingredient of sheer genius. "I decided to try something a little different...  spinning the camera body while the lens zoomed. After about 50 unsuccessful shots, I made a quick cradle to steady the lens barrel. This resulted in the pinwheel." Congratulations, Don, on your action artwork!



Don's second picture is of his friend, Topaz the Wonder Dog. Using a high shutter speed, he was able to 'freeze' the action and catch all four legs in the air. Well, maybe three. The local dog park is a great place to get this kind of shot.



Linda noticed water dripping from a plant and decided that was an action item worth getting. Thanks, Linda.



Even snails suggest motion and action - if we're patient long enough. I guess if you had a snail's brain, you'd think you're really zooming along. Thanks, Linda, for reminding us that action is relative.



Ginnie's first entry of a backyard bee is another action photo, but this one has been cropped to an almost square format, just like Don's flower picture. Using 1:1 or 1x1 for a photo forces you to really think about your composition, and Ginnie has done a great job in that department. Maybe we'll incorporate this format for the July Challenge.



Her second picture is of Jordan, the little ballerina. "Jordan loves to dance! She'll be 6 in July and starts 1st grade in the fall." Get a tutu, get on stage, get some music going and see if you can stand still very long. Action is inevitable. GoGo JoJo.



Dave had Angel put on her duct tape helmet (over the real one) and scoot around the cul-de-sac a few times so he could get some shots. He used 1/20 of a second shutter speed and a 125mm zoom to blur the background and still capture a few in-focus areas.



Dave's last shot was taken last Saturday morning right before sunrise at Cosumnes River Preserve north of Stockton. Mr. Wiley Coyote was romping through the dry oats and other grasses looking for breakfast.  1/320th of a second shutter speed, zoomed to 280mm, ISO 800.



Okay, that square format sounds like a good idea for July, so whether your picture highlights some fireworks, kids at the beach, butterflies, mountain scene, or whatever (anything goes), make sure you send it to me as close to a square format as possible! If this is above your pay grade, email me and I'll help you out.

So, for July's Challenge: Square Format - using any photo you like. Send up to five pictures, but only two will be posted. Happy shooting, fellow photogs.



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