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Created 10-Jun-07
Modified 25-Aug-24
Visitors 199
168 photos
Last year the Navy's Blue Angels visited Sacramento. This year's highlight was the Air Force Thunderbirds. Along with a number of other performers, the Thunderbirds lived up to its reputation by gracing the skies with the precision and power expected by all airshow fans.

Categories & Keywords
Category:Lifestyle and Recreation
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Air Force, aerobatics, air force base, air force thunderbirds, airfield, airplane, airport, airshow, event, helicopter, jets, prop plane, runway, sacramento, thunderbirds

Air Force Light TreeParking Lot PalsInspecting Your StuffPolice PupGo, Girl!First Pit StopPanning the VendorsShe Got Three of Me First!First AirshowThe Smell of the CrowdChrome CowlT28-C TrojanFully RestoredNo Oil Under the Engine!One Clean MachineStill FlyingAll Aboard!Ready, Willing, But Am I Able?