Thanksgiving Day morning at the river. I was hoping to see the turkey vultures sunning themselves at the bridge, but they weren't there. I pulled out my plastic bag and sat on it at the side of the bridge and waited for any action. A great egret and blue heron were exerting territorial rights, while a river otter swam around between them. He/she waddled up to the egret and talked a bit before returning to its morning foraging. I flushed one heron while getting up (it was under the bridge). Then its mate stayed on the rocks while I grabbed a few shots. I've never been this close to a heron before. Pretty striking feathers and eyes. After awhile it took flight, but I couldn't get good shots due to the bridge railings in the way. There's still remnant fall color splashed all around, but not as intense as last Saturday (before we had a windy rain). Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. God alone is the giver of every good gift and blessing we enjoy. Praise Him for unbounded mercy.