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Created 3-Jan-15
Modified 19-Dec-24
Visitors 18
41 photos
Old Sacramento was cold, but sunny when we visited this morning. There is a certain stability in the place - it never or seldom changes. Different tourists and a more worn boardwalk are the biggest news every time we are there. But it was nice since it wasn't overcrowded like in the summer.
People were friendly, especially Mark from Oklahoma, a homeless fellow we talked to. I asked him where he slept. He said he had two blankets in his bag. Pray for him and the others who wander the streets.

Categories & Keywords
Category:City Scenes
Subcategory:Street Scenes
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Sacramento, architecture, bicyclist, boardwalk, bottles, bridge, candy, capitol, dave, guitar, homeless, horse, old, player, portrait, river, soda, station, tattoo, tourist, tower, train, vintage, waterfront

Mark from OklahomaDave from California