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Created 6-Apr-09
Modified 12-Feb-24
Visitors 484
54 photos
Highway 49 just south of Jackson is resplendent in poppies this year after the late rains. One local artist from Sonora said he'd never seen so many.

After a great lunch at Webster's Country Burgers in Clement, we headed to the spot and found a glorious display of red-orange wonders. Hope you like poppies.

All of the closeups were shot on Electra Road, a 3-mile, sometimes one lane road to the east, along the Mokelumne River to the power station. We met two dozen cars. Thankfully, there were plenty of places to pull over and park.


Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:California wildflowers, Gold Country, Highway 49, Jackson, beauty, brodiaea, gilia, hillside, hyacinth, lupine, macro, orange, owl's clover, phacelia, poppies, poppy, travel, wildflowers

From Hwy 49 Looking NorthYour State FlowerBush LupinePurple Owl's CloverWild HyacinthMokelumne River BelowLive-ForeverRock PhaceliaFringe-PodFringe-PodFringe-PodAre We Having Fun Yet?